Sunday, March 1, 2009

Week 1: Character

This main character seems to help set up the scene by making us believe he is like anyone. The fact that he is not given a name helps us imagine ourselves as him. I have a problem since I am a girl but I could imagine an alter ego that was a guy. As a main character that is narrating the story I do not believe he is doing a good job. Most emotions coming from him are completely masked and mainly inferred. Also since he is very perceptive about the people he interacts with, it seems more like they are the ones narrating and showing the inside to their psyche instead of him. His drinking, smoking and other bad habits make us think that he is waiting for death or just enjoys then too much to quit. His bad luck with older women and commitment makes him seem like he does not know where his life is going and what he should do, like most teenagers. His epithets for the women he dates shows how distant he is. His aloofness towards life is probably why he accepts this adventure that will become the book. Overall this main character is characterized as a typical boring mundane person with no drive towards life, no ambition whatsoever. I predict, that he will find some drive and that, by the end of the book, he will have a happy life, or at least a life where he cares.


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