Saturday, March 21, 2009

Week 4 Question

Do the character's mediocrity and the sheep mystery have any correlation? Could the mystery be some symbol for the changes in life?


  1. I think most people are mediocre. Anybody would be way out of their depth if they were thrown into a situation like his.

  2. I suppose it could be a symbol of change, but really how much does he change? I feel like the chase was a lot more explosive than his change was. If there was correlation, it'd be quite vague.

  3. I don't think there were any true profound changes that are usually expected in epic quests. Following that logic this was not a symbol for changes.

  4. I think that the sheep chase definetly symbolizes changes in his life. It seems to be the step he needs to finally realize that he is not just a mediocre man.

  5. Alright, so maybe his change in the end is he realizes he is not that boring. That change was brought after the sheep chase so it might be that it could act as a symbol for change but i still think my first comment was right.

  6. I have to disagree with Athena's comment that most people are mediocre, because we all are unique in some way, some more than others, but if we were all mediocre, we would all be very similar...and we're not. Though, I do agree with her comment that most people would be shocked if they were put in a situation such as this. But, just because someone is out of their depth doesn't mean they are changed forever.

  7. Why does he need to realize he is more than mediocre, though? Mediocre means of moderate quality. Who is he to deem himself better than the next guy? Who are we to deem ourselves better than someone else? In reality, we're all more similar than we think.

  8. I agree that we are all unique but I don't think that if we were all mediocre that we would all be alike. Since it is humanly impossible to be identical to someone, there is no way that we are all alike. I think that when we think of ourselves as mediocre we hide the parts of ourselves that are different to fit our frame of mind. I agree with Reed that even though people are out of their depth they do not necessarily change.

  9. I agree. People are different and that isn't going to change anytime soon. But we're all alike in that we question ourselves and each other.

  10. Agreed. But what about the main character? Does he question himself and others?

  11. I think he questions himself. Perhaps even indirectly. I mean, why else would he drink so much?
